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  1. fika

    • IPA[ˈfēkə]


    • n.
      (in Swedish custom) a break from activity during which people drink coffee, eat cakes or other light snacks, and relax with others
    • noun: fika, plural noun: fikas

    • 釋義


    • 1. (in Swedish custom) a break from activity during which people drink coffee, eat cakes or other light snacks, and relax with others comfortable seating areas provide the ideal space for working lunches or an afternoon fika the cinnamon buns and small cups of coffee that are a staple of fika have always been offered in the store's canteen
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    • IPA[ˈfiːkə]


    • n.
      (in Swedish custom) a break from activity during which people drink coffee, eat cakes or other ... comfortable seating areas provide the ideal space for working lunches or an afternoon fika the cinnamon buns and small cups of coffee that are a staple of fika have always been offered in the store's canteen

    Oxford Dictionary