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  1. -percenter

    • IPA[pəˈsɛntə]


    • comb.
      denoting a member of a group forming a specified and usually small percentage of the population;denoting a person who takes commission at a specified rate
    • 釋義

    複合形 (combining form)

    • 1. denoting a member of a group forming a specified and usually small percentage of the population he was a one-percenter, riding outside of the law
    • 2. denoting a person who takes commission at a specified rate ten-percenter agents
    • denoting something whose value is estimated as a specified percentage five-percenter Treasury bonds
    • 更多解釋
    • comb.
      denoting a member of a group forming a specified and usually small percentage of the population: he was a one-percenter, riding outside of the law

    Oxford American Dictionary