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  1. shots

    • shot的名詞複數
    • 相關詞
    • ph.
      發號施令 He wanted a job where he would be calling the shots himself. 他想要一份他可以發號施令的差事。 I am the boss at work, but my wife calls the shots at home. 工作時我是老板, 但是在家時我太太發號施令。
    • ph.
      控制局面,發號施令 I am the boss at work, but my wife calls the shots at home. 工作時我是老板,但是在家時我太太發號施令。 Who calls the shots in your home? 你們家誰發號施令?
    • ph.
      控制局面,發號施令 I am the boss at work, but my wife calls the shots at home. 工作時我是老板,但是在家時我太太發號施令。 Who calls the shots in your home? 你們家誰發號施令?
    • ph.
